Sunday 16th March 2025
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu

ביטוח לאומי טלפון is a number used in the United Kingdom to identify individuals for national insurance purposes. It is a unique number made up of two prefix letters, six digits and a suffix letter. Its format is defined by the UK government in its Citizen Identification Types catalogue.

You can check your NI record online or ask questions about it. You can also contact HMRC about National Insurance by phone or post.

You can find your NI number on your payslip or P60

If your employee works for you, they’ll be provided with a P60 at the end of each tax year (which runs from 6 April to 5 April). This summarises all the earnings they made and the amount of Pay As You Earn (PAYE) income tax they paid. It also includes the total amount of National Insurance contributions they made in that tax year.

The NI number is shown in the upper right corner of their P60, under the heading Your personal details. It also appears on their payslips and in the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) app. Their NI number is also displayed on their P45 if they changed jobs during the tax year and provided a P45 to their new employer. It’s important that your employees know their NI number as it keeps track of all the NI contributions they make over their working life and helps them get a state pension.

If an employee can’t remember their NI number, they should check their old payslips or P60 yearly tax statement and any correspondence with HMRC that may contain it. They can also check online by using their Personal tax account, or the HMRC App, and once they’re logged in they can immediately view, share or print an image of their NI number confirmation letter. You can find out more about the NI number and how it is used on the government’s website.

You can apply for a NI number online

A National Insurance (NI) number is a unique number that HM Revenue and Customs assigns to you. The NI number consists of 2 letters and 6 numbers, and it is used to track the taxes you pay throughout the year. You can apply for an NI number online, or by calling HMRC’s NI helpline. If you don’t have an NI number, it is important to get one as soon as possible. Your NI number will be on your payslips and P60, and it is also needed for benefits like the State Pension.

NI numbers are automatically given to UK residents shortly before they turn 16 years old. However, you may need to call the NI helpline if you have moved to the UK from another country and have not received your NI number yet. You can also use your NI number to file a tax return and claim benefits.

If you are self-employed, you will need to pay Class 2 NI contributions if your earnings exceed a threshold. This will help you qualify for benefits such as the full State Pension. You can also file a Self Assessment tax return using your NI number.

You can start working in the UK without having a NI number, but you must tell your employer that you are waiting for your NI number and give them your application reference number. You should also keep a copy of your NI number letter, which you can find in the email you receive after submitting your application.

You can check your NI record online

There is a lot to think about when you’re getting closer to retirement – how much to save, how long your savings should last and whether you should claim benefits. But a question that may not have crossed your mind is how gaps in your National Insurance record could impact your State Pension.

Gaps in your NI record happen when you don’t pay any or enough NICs (national insurance contributions) for one or more years. There are a number of reasons for this, including moving abroad, being unemployed, or having to rely on state benefits like Jobseeker’s Allowance.

HMRC has an online service that allows you to check your NI record and identify any gaps. You can use this service by signing in to your Government Gateway account or by setting up an account if you don’t already have one. You can then see how many qualifying years you have, a State Pension forecast and if you’re eligible to pay voluntary NICs to fill gaps in your record.

Voluntary NICs are a way to top up your qualifying years and boost your State Pension, but it’s important to consider carefully before you decide to do this. For example, you only have until 5 April 2025 to pay voluntary NICs to make up for the gap between April 2006 and April 2016 if you’re eligible.

You can contact HMRC about National Insurance

If you have a question about National Insurance, call this number to speak with an adviser. This helpline covers a wide range of issues, from people who have not received their NI number to those with gaps in their contribution record. If you have gaps in your NI record it is possible to pay voluntary contributions to fill them in and qualify for the full state pension at retirement. Voluntary contributions are usually paid as Class 1 or Class 3 contributions.

You pay National Insurance (NIC) through PAYE – which stands for Pay As You Earn – so your employer deducts it from your wages before you receive them. Generally, the rate you pay will be shown on your payslip, but you can also check rates for past tax years. You can also pay NIC by direct debit or self-assessment.

HMRC has recently moved over to a new computer system, which has brought NIC and income tax records together on one system for the first time. This has helped to make it easier for customers to access their information.

If you write to HMRC with any queries, except complaints, about your NI payments, they will reply by post. If you are writing about a specific case, it is helpful to include your National Insurance number and name in the letter.

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