Sunday 2nd March 2025
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu

The start of the new apex season is a highly anticipated moment for players of apex legends. There are many changes coming to the game, including a new hero, gifting and the return of the ranked battle royale mode. But what exactly does the season mean for players?

Broken Moon

One of the latest additions to Apex Legends is Broken Moon. The map is a terraforming project on the surface of Cleo, the moon of planet Boreas. This map resembles the World’s Edge but is smaller in size. It also features a few interesting new features.

One of the more intriguing things about the map is the Zip Rail network. The Zip Rail combines trains and zip lines to create a network that extends the full length of the map. Each POI has an access point, which allows teams to easily rotate through them. Despite this being a relatively low-tech feature, it makes a big difference in gameplay.

Another feature is the Catalyst system. This is a new method of facilitating the interconnection between the outer POIs of the map. It works by triggering ferrofluid traps that can slow or derail opponents.

The other big change in Broken Moon is the travel mechanic. You won’t find jump towers or Loot MRVNs here. Instead, you’ll find rat spots, which are areas that can provide players with a bit of cover while still boosting their chances of winning a round.

In addition to these changes, a new Gifting System will also be introduced. New items such as Stickers will be added. This new system will be available in the upcoming update.

Although there isn’t a lot of novelty here, the map is fun and simple enough to be enjoyable to all players. If you’re looking for a good way to start your Apex Legends experience, then Broken Moon is an excellent option. Compared to other maps, this one is a bit less spread out, which makes it a better choice for the newbies.


There’s been a lot of rumors surrounding Apex Legends Season 15. There’s a new legend, a new map, and more. It seems like Respawn is working hard on the next season of Apex Legends. Hopefully, more details will come soon.

One of the more interesting aspects of the Apex Legends series is that it has a diverse cast of characters. Players have access to a number of unique abilities, and it’s all up to the player to decide how they use them.

The newest addition to the game is Catalyst, a non-binary character. She’s also the first transgender character to appear in a video game. Her abilities revolve around the use of ferrofluid. This fluid can be used to manipulate the battlefield.

As a member of the team, Catalyst will have access to a number of different abilities, including the ability to build structures. Having been trained as a terraformer, she will be able to reshape the landscape in a variety of ways.

Another of Catalyst’s abilities is the creation of ramps and walls. If you want to take down enemies, you can use a shot called Ferro Shot.

Catalyst’s main goal in the game is to defend Cleo. In order to achieve that, she’ll be using ferrofluid and terrirofluid. These two types of fluid are resistant to weapons, so they won’t be penetrated. They’re also able to make traveling easier for players.

Aside from Catalyst, players will also be able to discover a new character, Tressa Smith. In the past, she was involved in an eco-terrorist plot. But now, she’s back in Apex Games.

Lastly, there’s a new Battle Pass for the game. Players will have access to epic and legendary skins for Loba, Ash, and Catalyst.


The Apex Legends team has been teasing their latest update for a while now. It’s now officially available for PC, Xbox One, and PS4 and will arrive on mobile devices as soon as the month is out. This new update will feature some new weapon skins, new cosmetic items, a new Battle Pass, and more.

The new update will also include some interesting features that players may not have heard of. For example, Respawn Entertainment has revealed a new gifting system, which allows players to buy things for other players.

In addition, the game will also include a new Sticker system, which will allow players to put stickers on all of their weapons, healing items, and charms. However, the true merit of the new system is not as obvious as it sounds.

Another interesting aspect of the update is the new “Eclipse” map. According to Insider Gaming, this is the largest map in the game, and it’s likely to be the most popular.

There’s also been a lot of talk about the new Gifting feature, which will allow players to purchase things for other players. Although it’s not clear how this new feature will work, it’s a nice touch that Apex fans will appreciate.

Finally, we can’t forget the newest Legend: Catalyst. A trans woman, this non-binary agent isn’t your average hero. Instead of using the standard ferrofluid, she has a secret. She’s also the first female character to appear in an Apex Legends game.

With Apex Legends season 15 just a few days away, it’s only natural to wonder when exactly this new update will be released. Fortunately, Respawn has been teasing players with some new videos that hint at the new features coming to the game.

A second hero

Apex Legends’ next season has a new hero. The new character is called Catalyst. In a recent teaser, Catalyst revealed that she was a conjurer. It looks like she will be using ferrofluid to manipulate the battlefield.

Another interesting detail about the character is that she is a transgender. This is a first for a game like Apex Legends.

Respawn Entertainment has released a few of its own tidbits about the new season. The game has introduced a new Battle Pass, a new map, and reactive weapon skins. They have also added a’reconnect’ feature, which lets players jump back into a match if they miss.

A new data miner has leaked the name of the new hero in Apex Legends. This name is reportedly ‘Revenant’, a name that has been circulating for a while now. Although the name is likely a coincidence, it’s still a cool new addition.

Another tidbit of information is that the new season will be released on February 2nd. That means it will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch at the same time.

The next season will include a new hero, a new battle pass, and a new map. In addition, it will introduce a new ranked mode.

According to the design document, there are several heroes in various stages of production. Some of these include Octane, Forge, and Mad Maggie. There is no word yet on whether these heroes will actually appear in the game. Obviously, plans change. So it’s a good idea to take these leaks with a grain of salt.

As you can see, Apex Legends is a fun and popular game. It’s not surprising that fans are looking forward to the next season.

Ranked battle royale mode

Apex Legends’ Ranked battle royale mode has become very difficult to rank, especially for players who like to play solo. The current ranking system is very one-to-one, meaning kills and points are awarded to the player who has the most kills.

It’s hard to know what to expect from the new Apex Hardcore mode. While some players have expressed a lukewarm response, others have been positive. Some are speculating that it could be another LTM, or a Control-esque role. However, there’s nothing in the description to confirm this.

There’s also a new weapon to look forward to. The aforementioned new legend will also be in the game, along with bug fixes and more.

A new Battle Pass will be available for players to purchase. There are also new drips, a new Legend, and an adjustment to the Legends’ legends.

One of the biggest changes coming to Apex is its new Ranked battle royale mode. Players will be able to earn rewards by ranking up in the new mode. Another change is that the game will have an Arena Mode. This mode will be a permanent addition to the game, and will not be a limited-time event.

Unlike traditional ranked leagues, the arena mode will have a separate ranking system, meaning that players will start at a lower rank than the top rank. They will also have to earn XP to participate. During a match, players will need to perform as well as possible, with a higher number of 3-stacks, for more rewarding loot.

The aforementioned new mode will also put a lot of value on knowledge of the game. Players will need to be well-versed in the game before they can begin.

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