Thursday 12th September 2024
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu

It seems that two hands are not enough for aestheticians as science has brought, to aid the industry, several tools such as: the light laser, the sound laser, oxygen, electricity and many other sophisticated machines which promise additional years of young, healthy skin. Anti-aging is the buzz word and from medical spas to wellness centers, dermatologists to over-the-counter products, there are more and more new and improved opportunities to leave the clients new and improved. But do they really work?

The basic concept of cleaning one’s face isn’t so basic anymore as cleanliness alone, isn’t enough. Today, men and women want to stop the passage of time, to have the wrinkles and lines disappear and the spots of age never make their debut at all. The beauty industry spends and makes millions each year to meet the “demand” of society.

Is this really the “demand” of the market or of the masses in the beauty industry?

Many highly sophisticated machines have been invented to address the anti-aging process but many of them inflict more pain than pleasure.

There are an overwhelming number of options available to improve the skin’s appearance; from creams and peels to micro-dermabrasion and laser treatments, with most promising to lift, hide, remove lines, while rejuvenating what damage the sun, genetics, and bad diet have done to the skin. None of the machines are going to deliver the look of a 16-year-old to those who are 6o, but with many treatments it is possible to slow the aging process of the skin.

While resurfacing of the skin, by using acid or chemical peels, may help the appearance of skin, there are also many potential complications, despite their approval by the FDA. Light lasers have also been found to be effective in slowing aging of the skin by creating collagen, and the mesotherapy system, popular in Europe, has also had good results.

Micro-dermabrasion is a fairly quick and simple process which doesn’t require the client to heal at home or take time off of work and has been found to peel the skin without side effects, however, it produces superficial peeling which is not effective for deep wrinkles.


Microdermabrasion superficially peels away the stratum corneum, the top layer of skin which halts healthy ingredients from penetrating, thus, allowing the skin to show through a more youthful appearance. Fine sand particles attack the skin in a frictional motion set forth by any number of tools, removing dead skin cells.

The depth of the peel is controlled by the amount of time the aesthetician spends on the client. Performed properly, (most aestheticians work cautiously and slowly so as not to injure the skin, creating further damage), most results are visible after three days with at least five separate treatments.

The process, like most skincare routines requires sterilized tools and must be done by a well trained aesthetician, is not recommended for those with hyperpigmantation, inflamed skin or skin afflicted with acne or coprose skin.


Mesotherapy is a process where multivitamins and amino acids are injected into the skin in monthly intervals. With exstensive research, I have found no beneficial clinical relevance. While Mesotherapy treatments, which are thought to stimulate fat cells, allowing the shedding of fatty acids and stored water, have been performed throughout Europe, and South America for more than fifty years, and more recently the United States, physicians have long been concerned about both the efficiency and safety of the treatment, often arguing that a lack of scientific study makes the process more of a trend with potentially dangerous side effects.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons issued a position statement against Mesotherapy because there is no established mechanism of action that demonstrated the efficiency, or established safety profile, with any of the drugs used in the process. Mesotherapy claims to work by delivering tiny amounts of all natural extracts of vitamins and other agents directly into the dermis which then melt away the fat deposits that are trapped inside the dermis layer, forming cellulite. There are also many claims that Mesotherapy improves circulation, and because toxins are eliminated, lots of water is required to flush these substances, along with dissolved fat, out of the body. An exercise routine of at least three days a week is recommended to assist in the circulation of the medications used. Not a treatment that anyone would categorize as “pampering,” the skin is numbed before the process begins. Many clients find small bumps on the skin that go away after few days and some experience bruising or swelling which can last about a week before clearing up. Mesotherapy is not recommended for treating the neck or for those who are free bleeders. tazorac uk

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