Friday 14th March 2025
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu


Social Media Marketing (SMM) has been the buzz word for some times now. With the huge growth of social community users while virtually everyone is associated with a social network, it’s relatively a bigger platform to promote products and services. Whatever may be your business size, small, medium or large, you can always promote your business online. With a possibility to reach out a large community of users, this common platform provisions for a huge market potential with strategic promotion.

Social Media Marketing is not just opening a social profile in the famous social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or MySpace. It is actually being updated with the social profiles and about consistence maintenance of the profiles as such. When I speak about maintenance, it simply means that one should be updated with the social networks and he should continuously try to reach the new users with aggressive promotion strategies. You can promote your brand products and maintain an online reputation with continual buzzing through social networks. The most important aspect of social media is to be in touch and be accessible to public. Social networks virtually never sleep and are up 24X7. People can find you working round the clock and this is one of the biggest advantages of social networks.


With the development of Web 2.0 technology there is a significant improvement noticed in social networks. Virtually every person is connected to some of the social networks and many out of them are with multiple network profiles. With a wider audience base Social networking platforms can be used effectively as mass promotion platform. Social Media Marketing is having the same set of goals as it is with the real world marketing scenario. It is no different from the marketing strategies that are needed for brand promotion. It is basically to convert the possibilities to persistent business with good returns on investment options. This can also create a possible havoc if not handled properly and professionally. Still the SMM has a rich potential to reach virtually unpredictable traffic within a limited span of time. This is also one of the cost-effective ways of promotion of web business with structured approach and dedicated participation. This strategy of marketing and promotion generally adds up to your existing promotion strategies without influencing them and thereby creates a summing up effect all together.

Implications of Social Media Marketing:

With the huge radical growth of social networks and the enhanced adorability of such networks among internet population, the applications of SMM have attained high demand. People use it as a platform to promote products, brands and services. They adore it as a consistence way to stay in touch with their targeted customers. They reach out to share their resources with millions of the similar minds and there by create a network of thought-groups.

•    Understanding Customers’ Reviews:   

Your presence on social networks and consistent interaction with people can add up to build a trust and reputation among the mass as a whole. With regular view-exchanges among the social communities you can expect many returns in terms of understanding prospective customers’ choices and tastes. You can be a part of groups or can create your own community of users and discuss about various dimensions of your newly lunched products and the services to get their critical views. This helps in understanding the people’s needs and can help any business to become more customer-centric in approach.

•    Enhance Credibility of Business:   

From the credibility point of view, if I discuss, social media acts as a booster to your online business. You become an open-book for your customers with your presence on social platform. By resolving queries and negativities with your customers, you can provide them a warm atmosphere to discuss live with your business. With an open forum to resolve professional issues, you enhance your credibility as a trusted business runner.

•    Increase website traffic:   

Being present on social platform allows you to connect with numerous users worldwide sharing similar thoughts. With professional promotion strategies and regular interactions you can make your community members share information about the hottest offers promoted by your website. This enhances possibilities for unique and repetitive visitors to your website and adds up to the traffic-counts for your website. You can also expect referral traffic from the community of the community members and thereby can expect exponential growth in traffic for your website. Website traffic counts as popularity of your website and helps you to gain search engine reputation. health and safety awareness course

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